We apologize for problems logging in. We had some issues when password security encryption was upgraded and a new more secure algorithm was used to store password hashes.  

However that problem is now resolved but you would need to do a new password reset request. Make sure you initiate it from the store view that you usually access your account from (ie: Canada, US, Australia etc.)

Link for USA (use the Country chooser to choose your location)

Forgot Your Password?

Once you get the reset email, click the link to set your password.

Choose a new password that is 7 characters or more and has at least:

  • 1 lowercase character
  • 1 uppercase character
  • 1 digit 

Then please clear your browser cookies and cache so that any old authentication data is not present.

It should log you in but if you still can’t login after the reset, let us know.

As an alternative guaranteed way to access your account, you may also choose Facebook or Twitter login. They authenticate your account so it will work as long as you can access to your social account and as long as the email address you use to access PUMP! is the same as Facebook and/or Twitter.  

Even if you have not set up social login, you can still use it if the email address matches.