We value your privacy, and thus secure your sensitive information with an industry standard secure certificate. All orders are shipped in discrete packaging with only our company name and a return address on the label. In general you can visit this website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. Our servers collect the IP addresses and domain names for security and fraud purposes, not the e-mail addresses, of our visitors. Our servers may attempt to place a “cookie” on your computer’s hard drive which allows us to identify your computer during reoccurring visits and set certain parameters like store view, language and currency. This cookie is not used to obtain your name or any other personal data, and the information that is collected is used only for internal purposes (such as to improve website navigation and to measure the effectiveness of our promotions) and is not shared with anyone other than affiliates and contractors who assist in these efforts. If you should prefer not to accept cookies from our website you may set your internet browser to reject them, though functionality may become restricted. in addition, there are portions of this website where we may need to collect personal information from you for a specific purpose, such as to provide you with requested information, or to complete an orde